Learning How To Survive On A College Budget

College is expensive and everyone knows that. Between paying for tuition, parking, textbooks, extra fees, and everything else, you also have basic living expenses to pay for as well. All of these costs are either brand new or somewhat new to you most likely as well, so you might not even know how to survive […]

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How Blogging Paid Off My Student Loans

In July of 2013, I finished paying off my student loans. It was a fantastic feeling and something I still think about to this day. Even though I have a success story when it comes to paying off student loans, I know that many others struggle with their student loan debt every single day. The […]

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How Do You Use a Degree That Isn’t Very Specific?

Hello! Enjoy this post from my friend Martin. I know this situation applies to many out there (the possibility of what you or others may believe to be useless degrees), so hopefully this post can help someone out!  “Why did you waste your time on that degree?” The most ignorant question in the world. You deserve […]

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How I Paid Off $38,000 In Student Loan Debt In 7 Months

Lately, I have received many questions asking how I was able to pay off my student loans so quickly. I haven’t talked much about my student loans since I paid them off in July of 2013, but I know many struggle with their student loan repayment plan each and every day. Due to this, it is a topic […]

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21 Ways You Can Learn How To Save Money In College

Looking to learn how to save money in college? With ever rising college costs, it can really help your current and future finances if you learn how to save money. Tuition for an in-state public college averages around $25,290. Private college tuition costs twice as much, at an average of $50,900, according to Value Penguin. […]

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9 Ways To Successfully Balance School And Work

More and more people are choosing to attend college and work at the same time. This can be those who are going straight from high school to college or adults going back to college. Whichever applies to you, balancing school and work will be an important part of how successful you will be. Whether you […]

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