Got mice?
If these pesky pests are in your apartment, we’ve got solutions. While it makes good sense to keep them out in the first place, we get it, stuff happens. The number one thing you should do is speak to your leasing office maintenance crew or landlord. Let them know you need pest control right away! Hopefully they will send in a professional company to rid you of the problem.
But you can also be proactive and takes steps to oust the intruders. You should know that mice live in groups. So, when you see one mouse, you probably have five, six or more squatters.
That’s a problem because mice can contaminate food and food preparation surfaces, which can lead to potential health issues.
You might think that pesticides are the way to go to get rid of mice. But according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), that’s only a good idea if you’re a pro. This is not a DIY project.
Improper use of pesticides could be toxic to both people and pets, and people with compromised immune systems can be especially vulnerable to improper use of pesticides.
Here’s what you can do to rid your home of furry unwanted irritants scurrying across the floor and more.
If you’re not squeamish interacting with a dead mouse, then try the old-school method. Terminix recommends baiting the trap with peanut butter, bacon, chocolate, dried fruit or oatmeal. Another option is a glue trap.
Or, you can try something more modern. There are actually traps that use high voltage to shock the mouse. It might sound cruel, but since it happens quickly, there’s no suffering. How does it work? The bait station is in the back of the unit. The mouse enters the trap and triggers a sensor. That’s when a high voltage electric current electrocutes the mouse in seconds.
Alternatively, catch-and-release traps are a humane option. When you trap a mouse, you can release it far from where you live.
If you see an opening where wires and conduits are in your apartment, those could be road maps for vermin. Mice can enter a building or home through the smallest opening or crack.
Plug up even the tiniest holes, even the ones the size of a nickel! Mice commonly move through walls, ceilings, floors and even cabinets.
The furry pet you want in your house just might solve your mouse problem. If they’re up for it. Your cat is your live-in pest control agent. Some dogs can take on the task of de-mousing with vigor, too.
Mice love pet food. So, if you leave it out for your pet, that’s likely where your cat or dog will find the pest, nibbling away on his or her food.
Here’s a natural way to repel the critters as a preventive measure from the start. There are various mice repellents on the market that contain no chemicals and are also pet-friendly.
Ingredients matter, so look for the ones that have peppermint essential oil or balsam fir oil. These specific fragrances cause mice to find the closest exit. Humane and effective, you can find this option as a spray repellent or in sachet or pouch form.
Mice are in search of food. If you have a mouse problem, be sure that your food is safely sealed. Keep it out of the sight or smell of any mouse traipsing through your house. This means investing in airtight food canisters.
If there’s a package that’s ripped or open, remember that annoying mice can squeeze into even the tiniest opening in a bag or box of food.
To help keep mice out of your apartment, have a list of what needs to be done to have a mouse-free home. The EPA recommends that you check your plumbing. Cover gaps and seals around sills, sewer lines and other spots they could squeeze into.
Ask the maintenance team in your apartment complex to do the hard stuff. This includes using caulk, knitted copper mesh, steel wool or foam insulation to block access around pipe openings.
{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “HowTo”, “image”: “×500.png”, “name”: “How to Get Rid of Mice in Your Apartment”, “Url”: “view-source:”, “description”: “Mice are annoying, and they can also be dangerous. They contaminate food and prey on folks with weakened immune systems. Here’s how to get rid of them.”, “totalTime”: “PT60M”, “supply”: [ { “@type”: “HowToSupply”, “name”: “Mouse trap”
{ “@type”: “HowToSupply”, “name”: “Peanut Butter”
}, { “@type”: “HowToSupply”, “name”: “All-natural mouse repellent”
}, { “@type”: “HowToSupply”, “name”: “Airtight food cannisters”
}, { “@type”: “HowToSupply”, “name”: “Caulk”
], “step”: [{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “name”: “Use traps”, “image”: “”, “url”: “”, “position”: “1”, “itemListElement” : [
{ “@type”: “HowToDirection”, “position”: “1”, “text”: “If you’re not squeamish interacting with a dead mouse, then try the old-school method. Terminix recommends baiting the trap with peanut butter, bacon, chocolate, dried fruit or oatmeal. Another option is a glue trap.
Or, you can try something more modern. There are actually traps that use high voltage to shock the mouse. It might sound cruel, but since it happens quickly, there’s no suffering. How does it work? The bait station is in the back of the unit. The mouse enters the trap and triggers a sensor. That’s when a high voltage electric current electrocutes the mouse in seconds.
Alternatively, catch-and-release traps are a humane option. When you trap a mouse, you can release it far from where you live.” } ]
}, { “@type”: “HowToStep”, “name”: “Seal off floor and wall traps”, “image”: “”, “url”: “”, “position”: “2”, “itemListElement” : [
{ “@type”: “HowToDirection”, “position”: “1”, “text”:”If you see an opening where wires and conduits are in your apartment, those could be road maps for vermin. Mice can enter a building or home through the smallest opening or crack. Plug up even the tiniest holes, even the ones the size of a nickel! Mice commonly move through walls, ceilings, floors and even cabinets.” } ]
{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “name”: “Rely on your in-house mouser superheroes”, “image”: “”, “url”: “”, “position”: “3”, “itemListElement” : [
{ “@type”: “HowToDirection”, “position”: “1”, “text”:”The furry pet you want in your house just might solve your mouse problem. If they’re up for it. Your cat is your live-in pest control agent. Some dogs can take on the task of de-mousing with vigor, too.
Mice love pet food. So, if you leave it out for your pet, that’s likely where your cat or dog will find the pest, nibbling away on his or her food.” } ]
{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “name”: “Use all-natural repellents”, “image”: “×500.png”, “url”: “”, “position”: “4”, “itemListElement” : [
{ “@type”: “HowToDirection”, “position”: “1”, “text”:”Here’s a natural way to repel the critters as a preventive measure from the start. There are various mice repellents on the market that contain no chemicals and are also pet-friendly. Ingredients matter, so look for the ones that have peppermint essential oil or balsam fir oil. These specific fragrances cause mice to find the closest exit. Humane and effective, you can find this option as a spray repellent or in sachet or pouch form.”
} ]
{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “name”: “Keep food sealed in the pantry”, “image”: “”, “url”: “”, “position”: “5”, “itemListElement” : [
{ “@type”: “HowToDirection”, “position”: “1”, “text”:”Mice are in search of food. If you have a mouse problem, be sure that your food is safely sealed. Keep it out of the sight or smell of any mouse traipsing through your house. This means investing in airtight food canisters.
If there’s a package that’s ripped or open, remember that annoying mice can squeeze into even the tiniest opening in a bag or box of food.”
} ]
}] }]}
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