Here Are The Best Student Loans of 2021

The best student loans can help you earn a college degree that will lead to higher earnings later in life. They also come with low interest rates and reasonable fees (or no fees), which will make it easier to keep costs down while you’re in school and once you’re in repayment mode. For most people, […]

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What Are the Best Car Loans When You Have Bad Credit?

If you have bad credit and need a car loan, there are some challenges when compared to obtaining a standard car loan. However, pick your head up because there are a handful of great lenders that specifically tailor their programs to people with bad credit. We researched the landscape of lenders that can help you […]

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What Are the Best Loans If You Have Bad Credit?

If you need to borrow money but your credit is less than stellar, it’s possible you’ll wind up with a bad credit loan. These loans are geared toward individuals with imperfect credit histories who can prove their income and ability to repay the loan. As a result of their bad credit, however, consumers who use […]

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What It Feels Like to Be In Debt (And How to Get Out From Beneath It)

The post What It Feels Like to Be In Debt (And How to Get Out From Beneath It) appeared first on Penny Pinchin' Mom.

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Mr. Cooper.  All opinions are my own and were not influenced by any parties. Consumer debt has just hit an all-time high.  It now tops more than $3.8 trillion.  Not million. Not billion.  Trillion. Being in debt can make you feel as if you are completely alone. … Read More about What It Feels Like to Be In Debt (And How to Get Out From Beneath It)

The post What It Feels Like to Be In Debt (And How to Get Out From Beneath It) appeared first on Penny Pinchin' Mom.

Tips for Taking Online Classes Successfully

woman on laptop with notebook

A new semester is usually a fresh opportunity to collaborate and hobnob, but 2020 and beyond will be remembered as the time when learning largely went online. As the coronavirus pandemic caused an increasing number of colleges to abandon or delay plans to open campuses, a scramble to adapt ensued. But adapt everyone must. Welcome […]

The post Tips for Taking Online Classes Successfully appeared first on SoFi.

Tips for Taking Online Classes Successfully

woman on laptop with notebook

A new semester is usually a fresh opportunity to collaborate and hobnob, but 2020 and beyond will be remembered as the time when learning largely went online. As the coronavirus pandemic caused an increasing number of colleges to abandon or delay plans to open campuses, a scramble to adapt ensued. But adapt everyone must. Welcome […]

The post Tips for Taking Online Classes Successfully appeared first on SoFi.

Tips for Taking Online Classes Successfully

woman on laptop with notebook

A new semester is usually a fresh opportunity to collaborate and hobnob, but 2020 and beyond will be remembered as the time when learning largely went online. As the coronavirus pandemic caused an increasing number of colleges to abandon or delay plans to open campuses, a scramble to adapt ensued. But adapt everyone must. Welcome […]

The post Tips for Taking Online Classes Successfully appeared first on SoFi.

How to Get Approved for Credit in a Financial Downturn

In a recession it’s common for many people to rely on credit cards and loans to balance their finances. It’s the ultimate catch-22 since, during a recession, these financial products can be even harder to qualify for. This holds true, according to historical data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. It found that […]

The post How to Get Approved for Credit in a Financial Downturn appeared first on Good Financial Cents®.

The Best Student Loan Companies For Refinancing

Refinancing your student loans can make good financial sense, and that’s especially true if your current loans are stuck at a high-interest rate. With a new loan at a lower APR, you could save a bundle of money on interest each month and ultimately pay your student debt off faster. Consolidating several loans into one […]

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