How to Save Money When You Buy a Home in Idaho

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions a person can make. It’s the culmination of years of intense saving and budgeting, months of open houses, and weeks of late-night strategizing and offer planning. In 2020, buying a home has gotten even harder as the COVID-19 pandemic has swept across the United States. Shopping… Read more »

The post How to Save Money When You Buy a Home in Idaho appeared first on Homie Blog.

Different Types of Debt

Debt comes in all shapes and sizes. You can owe money to utility companies, banks, credit card providers, and the government. There’s student loan debt, credit card debt, mortgage debt, and much more. But what are the official categories of debt and how do the payoff strategies for these debts differ? Categories of Debt Debt […]

Different Types of Debt is a post from Pocket Your Dollars.

Different Types of Debt

Debt comes in all shapes and sizes. You can owe money to utility companies, banks, credit card providers, and the government. There’s student loan debt, credit card debt, mortgage debt, and much more. But what are the official categories of debt and how do the payoff strategies for these debts differ? Categories of Debt Debt […]

Different Types of Debt is a post from Pocket Your Dollars.

What Are the Best Car Loans When You Have Bad Credit?

If you have bad credit and need a car loan, there are some challenges when compared to obtaining a standard car loan. However, pick your head up because there are a handful of great lenders that specifically tailor their programs to people with bad credit. We researched the landscape of lenders that can help you […]

The post What Are the Best Car Loans When You Have Bad Credit? appeared first on Good Financial Cents®.

The No-Cash Envelope System That Works

The post The No-Cash Envelope System That Works appeared first on Penny Pinchin' Mom.

I am a strong believer in the cash envelope system. It works great for our family. But I also know that is not the case for everyone.  You may not want to use cash but love the envelope system concept.  Fortunately, there is a program you can use that marries your desire to use plastic … Read More about The No-Cash Envelope System That Works

The post The No-Cash Envelope System That Works appeared first on Penny Pinchin' Mom.

How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster

The post How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster appeared first on Penny Pinchin' Mom.

According to NerdWallet, the average credit card debt for the American Family is nearly $16,000.  That is a considerable amount, and the monthly financial burdens can quickly become overwhelming You may feel as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel as you see no end in site.  How in the world … Read More about How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster

The post How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster appeared first on Penny Pinchin' Mom.

What Is Austerity?

Austerity policies are nothing new. But talk about them in the news has recently escalated. In response to its ongoing debt crisis, the Greek government is preparing to implement austerity measures aimed at helping the country regain its financial footing. … Continue reading →

The post What Is Austerity? appeared first on SmartAsset Blog.

What Is Austerity?

Austerity policies are nothing new. But talk about them in the news has recently escalated. In response to its ongoing debt crisis, the Greek government is preparing to implement austerity measures aimed at helping the country regain its financial footing. … Continue reading →

The post What Is Austerity? appeared first on SmartAsset Blog.