Photography Guide

Portrait Vs Landscape Photography


For example, if you’re capturing a portrait … landscape, it’s not always clear where in the scene you should focus. If you have both foreground and background elements you wish to have sharp in your …

Landscape vs. portrait can mean different things to different photographers. Know the difference! One of my six year old’s favorite jokes is “When is a door not a door? When it’s a jar!” It’s easy to amuse a first-grader. But just like a door that’s a jar, landscape vs. portrait, as used in photography, can be …

We’re going to look at everything from landscape and macro shots … but Huawei’s 5x periscope camera takes the crown. Bokeh …

Aug 26, 2017  · If strong verticals are present, start with portrait mode. If there are strong horizontal elements, go with landscape. While you may not get your orientation right every time, it’s a great start to get you experimenting. master each Orientation Individually. Digital photography makes it easy to …

Aug 09, 2011  · Landscape vs Portrait Landscape and portrait are concepts that are of vital importance in photography, and confuse amateur photographers when they are taking photos from their cameras. those who are professionals or are seasoned in this field know when to take a landscape or when to go for a portrait …

In photography, landscape format, when the image is wider than it is tall, is perfect for the majority of landscape photographs. However, portrait format creates a picture that is taller than it is wide. When you photograph some nature scenes, it makes sense to rotate the camera 90 degrees. Rotate …

In this article, you will witness a portrait shootout between a landscape photographer and a portrait photographer. Who do …

landscape photography, portrait photography, and travel photography. These courses are designed as a beginner, intermediate, …

The review will chiefly discuss the cell phone’s camera capabilities from a landscape photographer’s standpoint … various …

Portrait Vs Landscape, This is a question which comes to a photographer’s mind while shooting. It has left me confused in many situations. Should I shoot in Landscape Mode or go for Portrait mode. the digital photography photo answer to this question is quite simple. It is actually the photographer who decide whether to compose the picture in Landscape …

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